mine (we are same height) and she came over another evening and I gave it to her. She was delighted and looks good in it. There is no doubt in my mind that the requirements for Tri-Ess result in a high class of members. I had long ago given up hope of finding other FPs in this area. Imagine my delight at finding them listed. I hope to get both of them, with spouses, to visit at my home in the near future. Incidentally, Joan NY-9-F, has hair long enough for both roles, so needs no wig. Perhaps sometime I can get these two and some others not too far way to get a little chapter going. One party I had here in November 1961 was wonderful success but they were the Suzanna group and no FPES. One ambition I have had for a long time, still unful- filled, is to fly my Bonanza or Baron across the continent and back as a lady pilot and just see what kind of treatment I get along the way.





† Here's how to remove yellow stains from your nails, whether caused by tobacco smoke or from using polish without a base a base coat: Simply rub half a lemon over the nail.

To avoid embarrassment when buying (as a man) a suit, dress, or lingerie in a store where you're not known, ask to have

it gift-boxed. I've done it several times, and have received such comments as: "That's a lovely color; your wife should like it."

+ Tri-Ess

sisters don't

fit the typical women's stereo- type........at least as far as re- vealing age. More than 90% of the gals listed in the 1980 dir- ectory and 1981 supplement tell how old they really are. And what is the average age of members? About 44. (For math purists, the mean age is 44.1 and the median is 51.) 44 seems to be about in the middle, though......with almost equal numbers of gals either above or below that age.

+ A good source I've discovered for femme eyewear is Prism Optical, 10992 N.W. 7th Ave., No. Miami, Florida. 33168. You can order by mail, prices are reasonable, quality is good, and you needn't send your vision care doctor's pre- scription slip: Just copy all the pertinent data onto the order form. The Prism catalog is free.

+ Some miscellaneous facts from the American Council of Life Insurance: A female born today can expect to live 77.1 years on the average, compared to 48.3 years in 1900. The lon- gevity of a male child born today is 69.3 years, compared to 46.3 at the turn of the century. (May- be this is why so many of us are femme persons!)

+ It may be dangerous to health, but many sisters (in- cluding me) are cigarette smo- kers. One sure way to spoil the femme image we try so hard to project is to unconsciously revert to masculine techniques as we puff away. Here are a half-dozen ways for keeping the smoking habit as feminine as possible:

1) Never hold a cigarette in the mouth without the fin-


gers assisting. (In other words, no dangling cigarettes.)

2) Hold the cigarette in your hand as you strike the match and THEN place it be- tween your lips for lighting.

3) Hold a cigarette as close to the tips of your fingers as possible.

4) Always hold the lighted end of a cigarette toward the ceiling........so the smoke doesn't curl through your fingers.

5) Don't flick ashes from your cigarette. Instead, ROLL them off gently.

6) To put out your cig- arette, roll it in the ashtray until there's no longer smoke.

(An aside to a Chicago friend: Don't smoke CIGARS while you're "en femme.")

tIf you'd like to lose weight without undertaking any special regimen, dietitians recommend drinking a large glass of water about 20 minutes before meal- time to curb the appetite.

+ When posing for photos, professionals suggest a hair-do parted off-center. Center parts, it's said, tend to accentuate facial imperfections. And if the picture is black and white, don't wear bright red lipstick. It will appear very black in the photo.

† A man's skin is less elastic and oilier than a woman's. To keep the facial area soft and elastic, follow every shave with a good moisturizer. In the summer, says a cosmetic firm researcher, “a man needs a sunscreen every time he's outdoors....."

+ Beauty advisors say your eyebrows control 25% of your facial expression. Attractive brows are a must for an attrac- tive woman.